sebrae 728x90
Maio Amerelo Detran
Arapiraca - 17.05-31.05
Gov institucional 22.05 - 31.05

Police: Officer dragged trying to stop Scheffler

The police officer who tried to stop Scottie Scheffler from entering Valhalla Golf Club on Friday morning was dragged to the ground and suffered "pain, swelling, and abrasions" to his left wrist and knee after the car accelerated, per the incident report.

Por Redação em 17/05/2024 às 13:18:58
The police officer who tried to stop Scottie Scheffler from entering Valhalla Golf Club on Friday morning was dragged to the ground and suffered "pain, swelling, and abrasions" to his left wrist and knee after the car accelerated, per the incident report

Fonte: ESPN News

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